There are times when life is not clean cut. When it is easy to feel alone, confused and lost amidst the ever changing, re-arranging and conspiring mysteries it holds.
It is a fact that every one of us experiences an encounter of these feelings in life at some point. I am yet to talk to someone who hasn't felt deeply into the core of their being and asked themselves some big questions or gone through times when they didn't have the answer.
There are phases when these feelings seem to be the main feature/star of the show and take all of our attention, and also times when they are purely just the backdrop of all other experiences to keep us engaged in life's mystery.
Walking bare-foot in soft sand as the sun sets over the mountains and the full moon rises over the sea. The sky painted the color of pink fairy floss merged with lavender. The waves peacefully dibbling and dabbling onto the shore, playful yet gentle. A rainbow. An opalesque full moon. Dreamy clouds still reflecting the glow of the sun. A Whale splashing its tale in the depths of the ocean. Couples walking hand-in-hand, swimming, talking... celebrating the beauty of this picture perfect afternoon/evening.
It is scenes like these, where the beauty, mystery and magic of nature ~ life and creation inspire me to go within... to reflect... to connect... to allow my heart and soul to wander in wonder.
I feel pacified by natures loving arms. Soothed and stilled.
In my experience, to feel any emotion whether it be positive or negative is perfect. It is the universe knocking on the door of your heart to draw your attention back to the source of everything, to the centre, the core. Hearing the knocking and opening the door can lead to some remarkable opportunities of self discovery, growth and expansion.
Life is such a magical mystery. I would like to say thankyou to the sand, the ocean, the moon, the clouds, the sun, the Whales, and the people in my life who color my world!
Namaste x
Enjoy the Full Moon!