Mar 29, 2011

He was born 29.3.1921 ~ Meet Grandpa Rudi.

photo: Lorien 09

Grandpa Rudi. 
 Author, Journalist, Businessman, Pianist, Tennis player, Russian Soldier, Holocaust survivor, Activist for Justice & Human Rights.

Married Vera Abriel after one week of meeting each other.
(That is what 'getting on with it - looks like'.)

Father & Grandfather

He has so much fire inside of him. 
He has directly taught me what it means to be "charismatic" in life. 

There is so much value in spending time with our elders. The wisdom and learning that is possible out of sharing their life experience is powerful.

Rudi speaks 8 languages fluently. 
Has written a book bigger than the Lord of The Rings trilogy in english, and English was the second last language he ever learnt to speak.

He religiously reads and watches the news.

He loves foot massages, cracking jokes and always has Weetbix, fruit & soya milk for breakfast...

He likes his sandwiches made with fresh crusty European white bread. 

I love the fact that I know these things about him. Though they seem mundane, to me they represent a relationship with my Grandpa Rudi. Prior to two years ago, I sadly didn't know these intricate details like I do today.

What does your Grandfather/Grandmother have for Breakfast?? ...Find out! :)

He loves to tell me stories about his youth and the days when he was a single bachelor...(particularly stories with the ladies). These stories make me roll my eyes and also smile in amazement and admiration of his sense of humor and charisma.

He can still play a full Mozart song on the Piano at 90.

He has been fighting a court case against one of the biggest banks in Australia for the last 18 years.. and he is still fighting. He hopes to see that day when he WINS! 

In our brief phone conversations these days since he has returned to Sydney, he confidently tells me over the phone in his Jewish multi fasceted accent... "I vill WIN! I vil WIN! I am a VINNER!"

And HE IS A WINNER to be turning 90 today!!!
I am so proud of his success with this great achievement of years on this earth.

As I write this and spend time thinking about Grandpa Rudi, more and more memories from the recent time we spent together flood my mind. One particular story that is worth sharing is when he came along to a music/meditation night that my Mum and her Partner Brian where holding at their house. 

Rudi jumped at the invitation to come along and experience the meditation and live music, crystal bowls, chimes, flute, guitar etc. At the beginning of these 'musings' nights, there is an opportunity for people to volunteer to lay down in the centre of the circle and speak an intention that they would like to create for themselves. Often people say lofty things like..."Love and light!" or "universal peace" etc. 

Rudi- on the other hand, when he happily layed down in the middle of the circle and was asked this question, replied in a certain and cheeky voice: 

"To be in the sunshine with no clothes on!"

the room loved his response and immediately fell in love with him. This is the effect of Rudi wherever he goes. His charisma captivates people and they will sit and listen to him from sunrise til sunset in this amazed trance.

At the end of the night, after Rudi had played everyone some concert Piano, spoken Russian to one of the guests and divulged his life story to many eager listeners who attended the evening, he praised the experience he had just had at age 89. 

Being open to new experiences no matter how 'OLD'we think we are getting or how much we already 'know' about life. Rudi has shown me that there is no such thing as being 'too old.' It is possible to be young and innocent in thoughts and our approach to life no matter what age or stage we are in. 

So give yourself the freedom to be adventurous in life like Rudi did at 89 going 90.

Originally from Lithuana, he lost all of his family except his brother Wolfgang in the Nazi Holocaust. 

This would have taken incredible strength and courage. 

I pray that nothing like that ever occurs on this earth to any species again. The sad truth is that i know that persecution and human and animal abuse is going on right now.. somewhere in the world. 

(Let's transform this people!) 

Grandpa Rudi is one of a kind. 

Last year we had the pleasure of living with Rudi for 5 months. This was an amazing life experience for me. To spend time connecting and sharing stories and philosophies on life with an elder from my family was priceless! We had so many wonderful conversations and cups of tea together during that time. 

I am so grateful.

He is my Grandfather. He makes me smile. I love you Rudi.

HAPPY 90th Rudi!

oxoxo Love Lorien 

...I almost forgot to mention ~ Rudi loves Tennis and played the game for 75 years.Dedication. 
