Apr 2, 2011

Present day Visions

Byron Bay: Sunset 31.3.11

Afternoon visions like this inspire me. 

The last day of March 2011. The end of a month that had people all over the planet beginning to question  what Mother Nature is up to with the frequency and severity of the most recent natural disasters. 

Most people I have spoken to have expressed that they have felt deeply for what the planet is currently going through and for their brothers and sisters around the world in New Zealand and Japan. It is definitely a wake up call from Mother Nature. And inspiring to see UNITY emerge through diversity and challenge.

They have been powerful events that 'man' has had no control over... Such a strange phenomena for us to adjust to. In our western lives I feel we can become quite accustomed to having control over our lives... and to me it seems like nature is trying to teach us all a lesson. To say to us, 

"what you've been doing is hurting me and isn't working anymore 'man'."

It is a process of humbling ourselves before mother nature and making conscious choices with who we BE in life and what we DO.  This will determine what we HAVE for our future and the future of generations to come.

We are all connected - what affects one person, affects another. What affects one country, affects another. 

This can be an opportunity. There are so many inspiring individuals, families, communities,  companies and organisations emerging to educate and honor the planet and humanity - it is exciting! 

Buying an organic apple that was grown through a process of honoring the earth and nature's intelligence is worth an extra fifty-cents to me, as when I am a grandmother one day and sit around a fire with my grandchildren and they ask me. "Grandma, what did you do when the planet was going through it's hard time? What did you do to help save it?"... I want to be able to say that I consciously exercised my will and adapted the way I lived to a way that supported the planet and humanity and made a difference. That I was able to love the planet and be of assistance in the transformation process.

There is no hard and fast rule. You are neither a 'bad' or a 'good' person for buying a organic or non-organic apple. To me each interaction and exchange of energy can either be honoring, loving and respecting both the planet and our bodies or detracting from our life-force.  

Once we can transform our context of how we view and value our life on this planet and our purpose for being here, then choices that look after mother nature & this planet and look after your family and community will occur as natural and effortless~even joyous! 

These days one of the highlights of my week is shopping at my favorite Organic Grocery Shop.  I get so excited about the fresh spices, fruit, vegetables, dairy, grains and goodies that I purchase there that anyone would think I had just bought a house! And this joy continues throughout my week as I get a rush of excitement every time I look inside my pantry or fruit + vegetable basket! 

So the essence of this story, these words and my synthesis of what the past month has meant to me in my life is that YES ~ the planet is at a critical point of transformation. There are a lot of INSPIRING people and projects happening out there in every sector of the community from conscious fashion and beauty/personal care products to grocery products and toilet paper... 

There are many places for us to support the people who are choosing to support the planet and stand for the planets natural beauty and sustainability.  

In my view this is one of the simplest ways to begin incorporating change into our lives and living in greater harmony with the universe and mother earth. 

Simply becoming aware of the power of our choice and where we put our energy and spend our money can hopefully ensure that INSPIRING VISIONS such as the Sunset over the Ocean at Byron Bay yesterday afternoon can be shared by our children, grandchildren and many more generations to come. 

I came across this quote and I like the simplicity and empowering message that the wise Buddha has left for us. One of the Buddha's main teachings was of Ahimsa (non-violence). Let's bring this mindfulness into our daily lives and be aware of whether the activities we participate in life and the places we spend our energy and money are in line with this teaching and principle. 

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it,
no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own
reason and your own common sense."
-Buddha (536 B.C.-483 B.C.)

x Lorien

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